Posts Tagged ‘ creator ’

Update Drivers Free, CPUZ, and Prime 95 [HD] 1080p

June 26, 2012
Update Drivers Free, CPUZ, and Prime 95 [HD] 1080p Update drivers free of paying a company to do it for you. Update drivers free, and you will be saving money. Update drivers free doesn’t come easy, it can be tasking and can be time consuming. There are many programs out there that claim to update your drivers. The reason why updating drivers is so important is because if you don’t the computer can end up running slower, and is more prone to cyber-attacks. This tutorial will show you two ways you can update your drivers for free. This tutorial will also introduce two programs. One is called “CPUZ” this program is used to tell the computer owner what parts are used inside the computer. The other is a stress tester. The stress tester, known as Prime 95, is used to make sure the computer is running at its best under stress. If there is an error you know something is wrong with the computer. If there are any problems you can go to a company like for remote tech support. DOWNLOAD LINKS Cpuz: Prime 95: 32 bit: 64 bit: *DISCLAIMER* This software is not mine I am only showing how to download and install it, if something becomes corrupt or stops working either try to troubleshoot it yourself or contact the creator. In no event shall the creator of this video be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute …

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Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »

Unboxing Dazzle Platinum Video Creator Hardware/Software (Video Problem?)

April 23, 2012
Unboxing Dazzle Platinum Video Creator Hardware/Software (Video Problem?) Dating Site Scams? Sexy Bikini Girl Shower World Record Dark Trance MP3 MP3 MP3 MP3’s on Amazon by PayPal iTunes Please use…

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Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »

Play SPORE on ANY Computer!

January 20, 2012
Play SPORE on ANY Computer!

This Tutorial will show you how to play Spore Creature Creator without having to buy an Expensive Graphics card as well as an RPG called: Requiem: Bloodymare. Yes the game will be VERY slow, but you’ll still be able to play. SPORE works alot faster then Requiem after using SwiftShader. NOTE: Add: &fmt=18 To see the Video Better! Yeah and as we all know that after I posted how to do this there are now a ton of videos about this, but this is the most simple way to do it so far without the hassle of having to use programs. They’re just simple .dll files (dynamic link library) that you simply put in the system folder very easy and not hard at all to find and use. DISCLAIMER: This video is for Educational Purposes ONLY! The viewer is Responsible for thier own actions upon watching this video.

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Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »

RSS Web Design and Seo Tips

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