www.atl-datarecovery.com Does floppy disk recovery still exist? And if it does who in this world is still using it? How many calls are data recovery companies and IT professionals receiving for floppy disk recovery? You would be surprised. We get them everyday. If I took a survey of people twenty-five years old and younger, I wonder what percentage would even know what a floppy is, much less how it works. Computer manufactures have also booted the floppy drive as the standard years ago, replacing it with the CD/DVD and external compact drives. So, are there really people out there still storing data on such obsolete unreliable technology? How is it still alive and kicking? My answer: Habits die hard. The ‘die-hards’ still store data on floppies and run floppy-based programs, so the demand still remains; the purists and the under-world people still think this technology is cool. Go into any time-tested technician’s lab (it’s the bedroom if he or she is single; the garage if married); you will see more floppies than CD’s. I am not just talking about basic boot diskettes to access failing systems. We are talking about true collector’s items like Asteroids, Lotus 1-2-3, and PC-DOS. If you are one of the oldies, like me, I am sure you are going, ‘yeah, that’s right’, and naming a few more rare programs and recovery utilities proudly displayed below your coffee mug, on top of your Tandy TRS-80, and next to your Atari that you still play. ‘I spy’ an eight-track player in the …