December 22, 2011
The original MacBook Air is an amazing piece of tech but it is not without fault. The thing we hear complained about the most around here is that the hinges break easily, and unfortunately, the hinge is integrated into the display assembly. Whether you have broken hinges or need to replace your LCD replacing your display assembly is a big project but not especially difficult. This video will show you how to replace the display assembly on your original Macbook AIr. You can find the replacement display assemblies on our site here All the tools you will need can be found here You may find the exploded iPhone 4 tee shirt here:
Tags: air, display, do it yourself, htc, i fix it, jenna, replacement, science & technology, tuts,
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
December 7, 2011
The 11″ beats the 13″ in what the Air is good for. It’s a fun secondary computer as long as you manage your expectations — and your budget. Update: This LCD viewing angle test demonstrates my claim beautifully. Look at the gamma test (image 1) and the blue/purple fade (image 2) and compare to your other displays. What’s YOUR opinion of the MacBook Air? Leave your comments here or tweet me — or leave me a voicemail at +1 (218) 6-NNTAKE, and I’ll play them on a future episode of “nntake.” (
Tags: 11.6-inch, 13.3, air, color, contrast, fun, macbook, monitor problem, screen
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »
December 7, 2011
just thought Id share/show off my old Tri monitor setup custom built by me! I wanted a setup with no wires showing and a clean modern look. Its just sweet to work on… Im not a gamer although it will run anything at full res no problem. I mainly use it for VT editing and music production. Its also used as a server and pumps out the 5TB+ of digital media to every room in the house. The sound is also one of the best features…. It has a pro audio card wired to a 500w Technics amp which output to 4 corner JBL pro studio speakers… the sound quality is just amazing. Hope you like! If you got any tech questions just ask. Have fun.
Tags: 11.6-inch, air, clean-modern, color, custom, diy, house, macbook, monitor, monitor problem, wires-showing
Posted in Monitor Problem | No Comments »