Download this amazing software now at: http://top5product.com/smartpcfix ================================= Additional Tags: error loading operating system wi…
CLICK MORE INFO FOR TROUBLE SHOOTING AND LINKS! Use this link to check the latest patches (no usermade stuff): www.Tinyurl.com/honlanpatch Original forum: Original forum: honlan.xobor.de Additional note Do not use usermade content. This will eventually screw over your game, and you WILL cry! On my page, i provide only what Sordit has made (in a compact form), and I will not, nor intend to, upload or re-direct to user created stuff. ——————TROUBLE SHOOTING———————- If you get an error about vid_d3d9, download and install: www.megaupload.com
Hello everybody! If you’re a PC gamer and you’re planning to play Skyrim, then these videos are for you. I take you through a series of critical optimizations in order for your PC to totally own Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at higher graphics settings and higher framerates. This is a two part series, and it’s important that you complete my recommendations in BOTH videos, since every PC gamer should be familiar with all of these procedures. In this Part 1, I give you advice on: 1. Updating Your Video Drivers 2. Conducting Windows Vista / 7 Memory Test 3. Installing More RAM (8GB) 4. Changing Virtual Memory Settings 5. Installing MSI Afterburner Stay tuned for Part 2 very soon! In Part 2, I will give you advice on setting up System Restore Points, completing a large malware removal procedure, overclocking your GPU, and defragmenting your hard drives. Thanks for watching, and share this with all of your friends who will be playing Skyrim on the PC. Links mentioned in this video: Video Drivers: www.geforce.com and support.amd.com Memory test: www.sevenforums.com Memory test command: msched MSI Afterburner: event.msi.com Click Here for Part 2! www.youtube.com