August 14, 2012
this video shows my first computer program which i made when i was a child.I found this program from an old CD. Please like comment and subscribe. i will also show the following in my later videos Hack Windows XP | Hacking computers | Windows 7 | Microsoft, windows, hack, trick Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a …
Tags: browser, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 14, 2012
this video shows my first computer program which i made when i was a child.I found this program from an old CD. Please like comment and subscribe. i will also show the following in my later videos Hack Windows XP | Hacking computers | Windows 7 | Microsoft, windows, hack, trick Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a …
Tags: browser, camera, cell phone, electronics, howto, iphone, mobile phone, n95, phone, sidekick, story, virus, windows, wireless
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 14, 2012
this video shows my first computer program which i made when i was a child.I found this program from an old CD. Please like comment and subscribe. i will also show the following in my later videos Hack Windows XP | Hacking computers | Windows 7 | Microsoft, windows, hack, trick Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a …
Tags: browser, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 14, 2012
this video shows my first computer program which i made when i was a child.I found this program from an old CD. Please like comment and subscribe. i will also show the following in my later videos Hack Windows XP | Hacking computers | Windows 7 | Microsoft, windows, hack, trick Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a …
Tags: browser, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 13, 2012
May 9th, audio is finally back! Here it is at last my long awaited 4rth montage. I put alot more effort into editing for this project. The footage was all taken during march and april, meaning that this montage’s FOOTAGE is really OLD. software problems and time to spare made the editing part last 4 months so I apologize for that. Making an Unbelievable collection was my dream back when I started making vids as a hobby. I kinda regret it now since you cant always be consistant in big streaks and I was careful when I got to ultrakills so I wouldnt fk up an unbelievable. Also, trying to sync long footage with the music is hard work. But the deal is done and I’m glad of the result. The montage shows 15 out of the 34 unbelievables I got with Emnesty. I learnt my own stuff with Sony vegas and adobe after effects with the help of some youtube aquaintances and I inspired myself from some non-ca montages out there to try and come up with new special effects ideas. I could have edited it alot more but it’s my fault for taking too much time making it. ALOT of work was put in the making of this video, thus flaming it would just prove how much of an hypocrite you are for trying to get some attention like that. The songs and softwares used are indicated in the video’s credits. Please dont send me mails because I dont read them since I get so many. BIG thanks to kellerman who saved up the footage when my computer broke back in may and to xDERVLx for aiding me on the …
Tags: atastycookie, compilation, crazy, fix, mmofps, montage, music, sony
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 13, 2012
Website= Facebook= YouTube= My Name is Muhammad Niaz. I am Computer Graphics Designer, Web Designer, Hardware and Software Engineer from Karachi, Pakistan. WORLD Best Site for, Solve your Computer Problems, Download Free Register Software & Games, Make Money Online, Watch Live TV Channels, Learn Complete Computer Softwares and Computer Tips in Urdu Language with Video.
Tags: background layer, blur, computer tips, designer, education, facebook, filter, gaussian blur, how to, language, learn-complete, money, muhammad-niaz, software problems
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 11, 2012
Windows Repair (All In One) FREE Repair Program by – Windows Repair is an all-in-one repair tool to help fix a large majority of known Windows problems including registry errors and file permissions as well as issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall and more. Malware and installed programs can modify your default settings. With – Windows Repair you can restore Windows original settings. ———————————————- why not check out my forum for loads more tutorials
Tags: 32bit, default, file associations, internet, internet explorer, laptop, loads-more, repair-program, solve issues, tweaking-com, windows-update
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 10, 2012 To be a successful manager, you need to get the right things done. In this era of information overload, that can be very hard because you find yourself managing your to do list more so than crossing things off. The honest truth is that it’s not a software problem, it’s “me” problem… Self discipline, perseverance, and a methodical approach to solving problems are instrumental to being successful. Download our software, get trial
Tags: diy, find-yourself, list-more, online planning tool, organization, plug-in, productivity tips, software problems, task management, why to plan your day
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 8, 2012
This video shows you how to remove rEFIt from your Intel based Mac computer and revert it to a single boot OSX machine.
Tags: boot, electronics, fix, intel, macbook, macintosh, microsoft, osx, science & technology, technology, tripleboot, ubuntu, video, video-shows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »