There are thousands of problems that your PC could have, from an endless list of possible error
messages to various hardware failures. Most of those problems might have several possible causes as well.
Luckily, the majority of these potential issues are rare. The problems most computer users see are common errors and failures seen by many, many others.
That’s great news because it means that chances are good that your problem has been well documented and can probably be solved by YOU!
Below is a list of some of the most common PC problems that I see from my clients and readers:
Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
There’s a good chance you’ve heard of or seen the Blue Screen of Death. It’s that all-blue screen with the computer code all over it that comes up as your computer “dies.” It’s actually caused a STOP Error and there are many different kinds. STOP 0x0000008E and STOP 0x0000007B are two of the more common Blue Screen of Death errors.
Browse through my complete list of STOP codes to find specific troubleshooting informatoin for the BSOD that you’re seeing.
“404” / “Page Not Found” Error
A 404 error means that whatever page you tried to reach on the Internet isn’t there. Usually this means that you didn’t type the correct address in the browser or that the link you used to try to access the page was wrong.
Regardless of the reason, there are several things you can try to get past this common error.
“Hal.dll is Missing” Error
Error messages about missing DLL files are unfortunately very common but the “Hal.dll is Missing” error is one of the more common (and frustrating) ones. There are a lot of possible causes for this problem, meaning there are several troubleshooting steps you’ll need to follow to cover all your bases.
Fortunately they’re easy steps and with a little patience you’ll have your computer back in no time.
Computer Won’t Turn On
Finding that your PC won’t boot is a very, very common problem. Whether you mean that the computer is completely dead or it powers on but nothing happens, the result is the same – you can’t use your computer at all. It’s scary.
Luckily there’s a lot you can do to troubleshoot this problem.