As we are the regular computer users there is no way to skip the basic Computer Problems that we must have to face whether we want or not.
Now I will give you a list of computer problems those you have to face often and will mention some probable facts for the reason of having the problems.
- Operating System Crash:Most of the users have to face this problem. This kind of problem occurred due to the sudden power disconnection, not using UPS, using invalid operating system or so on.
- Hard Disk Bad Sector & Crash: If most of the portion of your Hard Drive remains empty for a long time; you may have to face such type of Bad Sector problem and ultimately the Hard Disk is crashed.
- Motherboard Problem: Waste is the main and large enemy of Motherboard. Power supply is also a factor.
- CD/DVD Drive Problem: Very much old and dusty CD or DVD entrance on the Drive can cause a conflict with the scanner and it results a problem in your CD – DVD Drive.
- Monitor Problem: Close the monitor if you take a break during working on your computer. If you continuously keep your Monitor turned on it may be defected within shorter before its lasting time. A high powered rays is reflected from your Computer and it gradually decreases the efficiency of Monitor.
- Mouse & Keyboard Problem: Dust is main factor of decreasing the life of Mouse and Keyboard. So keep cleaned these alltime.
- Sound or Speaker Problem: Don’t place your Multimedia system just beside of your CPU or Monitor. A magnet inside of the Speaker can conflict with the CPU and
Monitor and it may cause a problem associated with the speaker and simultaneously with Monitor and CPU. So be aware of this fact.
- Power Supply Problem: I said before to use UPS to reduce the risk of being your PC damaged. An UPS can assist your Computer to serve properly for a long time without loosing anything.
- UPS problem: You may find your UPS are not giving you enough back up as like before. It is recommended to shut down your PC just after the electricity is gone. Don’t run your PC more time by using UPS. Remember UPS is for saving your Data without being lost. So don’t misuse the features and don’t make you looser after loosing the efficiency of your UPS. It is better to have a power backing system is Ok than a UPS which can’t give a single second backup.
- Dust Problem: Clean regularly your Computer Table. It will ultimately reduce the total dust affecting on your whole computer parts. So make your PC dust free to let your Computer live alive for a long time.