OPEN ME FOR HELP this is a very easy tutorial on how. link one: java.com there have fun and subscribe Note tutorial!!!! HOW TO FIND IF YOU HAVE A 64BIT COMPUTER! 1.) click on start 2.) right-click on computer then go to propities 3.) under system type it should say 32bit or 64bit THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE BY 64BIT COMPUTERS!!!!! 1.) download the java 64bit offline from the link above. 2.) install it. 3.) start Minecraft if this fixes it then u stop if not carry on. 4.) go to control panel 5.) find programs and Features (or copy and past this in to the bar at the top ” Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsPrograms and Features ” ) 6.) Find and right click on 32bit java and uninstall it 7.) test if it works it should. 8.) re-install 32bit if you want but now Minecraft should use 64bit 9.) any problems comment and i will reply in about 1-2 days