Visit http://www.cleanpcguide.com/download and follow the instructions on the page to download and remove the virus. FBI virus infection is promoted through …
Have you lost data from your PC due to a virus attack? Are you regularly scanning your PC using Kaspersky Antivirus software? Is your system’s speed and performance much slower than it was a few days ago? This could be because of a virus infection on your machine. Scan your PC regularly using Kaspersky Antivirus software installed on your PC.Check our video for the quick and easy steps to start your PC scan. In case you are facing any other problems related to your computer, operating system, software applications or peripheral devices like printers, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc. then call iYogi on 1-877-524-9644 and we will fix it. iYogi warrants that the content in this video is provided on an “as is” basis with no express or implied warranties whatsoever. Any reference of any third party logos, brand names, trademarks, services marks, trade names, trade dress and copyrights shall not imply any affiliation to such third parties, unless expressly specified.