May 7, 2012
Remove ZAccess Rootkit and Other Malware / Virus Infections From Computer by Britec ZeroAccess rootkit, also known as Max++, is a nasty piece of malware which is designed to start its persistent campaign just after infiltration. The infiltration of this malware is quite simple and done through security holes together with infected downloads, often Adobe Reader or Java fake updates. It can be said that additional purpose of ZeroAccess rootkit is to set up a stealthy, undetectable and un-removable platform which should help to download malware into the target PC. As you can see, it’s a rootkit which is advanced and sophisticated. ZeroAccess rootkit is quite similar to TDSS rootkit, and shares both functionality and even some portions of code. They both hide from anti-malware program scans, stop legitimate programs from working by killing their processes or stopping them from execution. In fact, it is quite hard to distinguish between these two trojans for the victim without a scan. Zero Access is one of the trojans responsible for hijacked Google results. The symptoms are search engine search results and various other pages redirecting to pages promoting various products, unrelated to searches. Additionally, 0Access might block legitimate anti-malware and antivirus vendor sites. Zero Access is used for multiple malicious purposes. The first purpose is stopping legitimate anti-virus programs from execution and thus limiting chances for removal. The second purpose is making …
Tags: access-rootkit, clean, processes, search-engine, victim, virus, vista, windows 7
Posted in Virus Removal | No Comments »
January 19, 2012
This call occurred at half eleven at night, at my home telephone number, a few days after the March protest against the cult of Scientology. *THE BEEPING IS FROM HIS END* – Its annoying, and there is nothing that I could do about it. Prior to this person speaking, there were a couple of silent telephone calls (where I could hear his hands rustling over the mouthpiece). He admitted earlier in the call (prior to me recording it) that he made those calls, but put the silence down to ‘network problems’… I had had similar silent calls that week. I’ve been debating whether to upload this video or not, but after my discussion with him a couple of days ago, either he is going to leave or not. Its up to him. He has the information, I’ve planted the seeds and it is up to him to make the first move. He will not speak to me any more. I believe he was ordered by the org to phone me up to dig some dirt about the medicinal cannabis org I started (although I am having little to do with the running of it lately). I gave him that information freely, then quickly switched the conversation over to Scientology. I have what appears to be multiple sclerosis, and I was not feeling well at all that day (post protest relapse) – so apologies for any factual errors or spoken mistakes. I was totally unprepared (as always)… 🙂 I have protected the names of everyone involved, although the org do know that he phoned me. Please [name removed]… you are an intelligent guy, and you have a good heart …
Tags: crook, diy, fix, hubbard, make-the-first, medicinal, scam, scientology, similar-silent, victim, video, video-or-not
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »