Chris Wysopal, CTO Veracode, Inc discusses valuable insights from his latest book, Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Flaws.www.informit.com Get all the OnSecurity Vidcasts FREE:www.informit.com Subscribe Now: www.informit.com The Art of Software Security Testing delivers in-depth, up-to-date, battle-tested techniques for anticipating and identifying software security problems before the “bad guys” do. Drawing on decades of experience in application and penetration testing, this book’s authors can help you transform your approach from mere “verification” to proactive “attack.” The authors begin by systematically reviewing the design and coding vulnerabilities that can arise in software, and offering realistic guidance in avoiding them. Next, they show you ways to customize software debugging tools to test the unique aspects of any program and then analyze the results to identify exploitable vulnerabilities. This book is indispensable for every technical professional responsible for software security: testers, QA specialists, security professionals, developers, and more. For IT managers and leaders, it offers a proven blueprint for implementing effective security testing or strengthening existing processes. www.informIT.com/podcasts