How to Uninstall (remove) the Incredibar Virus by Mystart — Permanently! Incredibar is a Virus that embeds itself to run as your homepage. It replaces Google’s search engine with their own, complete with their ads and tends to slow down your computer. As this virus will not harm your computer, it does leave open the possibilities that your computer can be corrupted by more dangerous viruses. Removing this virus is simple and anyone can do it. Just follow these instructions. 1) Click your start button and go into your control panel. 2) Click on Programs and Features 3) Scroll down to Inceditbar and click uninstall 4) Next scroll down to webaccess and click uninstall This will remove the programs from your hard drive, but we are not done. 1) In your browser type in — about:config and hit return 2) A List of Files will appear and scroll down to Keyword.url and go to the end and right click and delete the increditbar info—leave it blank 3) Next go to Google or any webpage. 4) Click on Tools and go to the options menu 5) From there you can type in any webpage such as Google.com You are complete, but just to make sure, go to Malwarebyes and download a free trail to remove any additional viruses that you may have. It’s a great service and you have a limited trail offer for free, you will be amazed on how many viruses your computer may have. Download Link www.malwarebytes.org 1) Run the Full Scan- this will take an hour, so go and find something to do. (don’t forget to …