Don’t re-upload cr.mmvicky (Not Fullㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
Hi I’m back! but sadly I keep on having problems with my computer. now I’m working on a old computer and it’s quite slow 🙁 but I’ve decided to start uploading videos again, it may take a little longer and I can’t check the qualety quite as much as I’d like to do, but I hope it’s good enought this is my 100th video , it’s just some more spotting at St Barth, this time without music = ) I thought about doing a big “best of Pilotdynan” video as my 100th video, but since I can’t do that on my old slow computer I’ve dicided to save that until Christmas, so stay tuned = ) I hope you like this video, if not please tell me what I can to better. there’s about 1 month since I last edited a video so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect. it will get better = ) thanks for still beeing subscribed to me, now there will be videos again ! = )
Xpressions Large Monitor 8ft Display www.youhuge.com As the rental and purchase price of monitors goes down their presence at trade shows is increasing along with their size! Large-sized monitors are everywhere. A monster monitor needs a monster stand and gripping graphics, Xpressions Monster Monitor 8ft Display is up to the challenge. Holds up to a 55″ monitor (we’ve used a 60″ with no problem!). Best part about this strong monitor display is that it’s Xpressions… Up fast and down even faster! See more at www.youhuge.com
Like my facebook page to keep better track of my next vids and more!!! www.facebook.com The car we were going to rent wasn’t at it’s parking spot so while mom was trying to get a car I took the opportunity to check out some planes flying by to land on RWY27R. Please rate, comment and subscribe! Airport : London Heathrow Airport, LHR, EGLL Date: February 16th 2011 Time: Morning Active Runways in video: 27R (L too but not seen here) Location: Avis Rent-a-car LHR. Thanks for watching 🙂 Tags: plane landing crashes fsx 747 400 succesful japan airlines flaring smooth 737 crash fligth simulator rl eham schiphol aircraft klm jal landing plane nice addictedfreakie old hong kong Kai tak Japan airlinesFSX new processor PMDG las vegas ultra high settings DX10 flight sim slight simulator x fsx fs9 high quality amazing gfx core i7 overclocked fsx benchmark test 4870×2 fsx Ariane design 737 Microsoft Flight Simulator X airbus A380 Boeing FSX aircraft takeoff landing singapore sydney dreamliner 787 747 777 797 Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery …