This is how to keep your computer running fast and smooth. Works great. I love smart defrag, and it works great. Subscribe and check out my othe video tutorials as well. More to come soon. Smart defrag
Posts Tagged ‘ such-as-norton ’
Speed Up Your Computer In 5 Minutes – Video 1 of 3
Hi! My name is Gabe Belanger, MCSE BSc., of Computer Geeks On Call ( ). I have been working in the IT industry for 9+ years and I wanted to provide some training for one of the most common issues I deal with each day: slow computers. In about 5 minutes you will be able to safely and effectively speed up your computer and free up some RAM. How? This is done by disabling programs that run automatically when you start your computer. How do these programs get on your system? They come with the installation of programs such as Norton Anti-virus, Microsoft Office, etc. The problem happens not with one or two programs but with say 10 or 20 programs you install over a few months – the extra processing required to run these, often unecessary progams, slowly but surely slow down your computer. Best of all this tool is included with Windows 98, ME, XP and VISTA. It is something every person should do to keep their system running quickly. Adding RAM is often not a solution and neither is getting a new, faster computer – eventually as you install software the computer will slow down again because of the sheer number of extra programs that run.