Online Help: Www.TeeSupport.Com Internet Crime Complaint Center virus is a fake alert that locks a target computer using the name of local police authorities. It works under the same scheme as such FBI moneypak virus, Metropolitan Police Ukash Virus, Australian Federal Police Ukash Virus, etc. They forge warning messages to frighten users into paying fine ranging from 100 dollars to 400 dollars on purpose. Designed by black-hearted cyber criminals, Internet Crime Complaint Center virus virus is simply a ransomware that claims you may violate the laws related to illegal usage and distribution of copyrighted content, such as music or videos. Laws covering distribution of pornographic content are also given. To unlock your computer, it’s necessary for you to pay a certain fine. After a payment is made, the message informs that a special code will be sent which will unblock computer in limited period of time. Please don’t be taken in. Instead, you should remove it as soon as possible.