March 14, 2013
This video is an explanation of how to change out the circuit board of the Ben Q/ Phillips dvd drive for the XBox 360. When I could not find a video on the subject when I needed to do the repair, I decided to video my first attempt. I hopes this helps anyone that wants to attempt this repair on their own and please comment if you have anything to add. I dubbed in the audio because the original was very poor.
Tags: audio, cd/dvd drive problem, circuit, helps, music, repair, repair-on-their, subject, the-circuit, video, xbox
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
March 5, 2013
Marc has figured out what was causing his Mini Tricopter to fall out of the sky. Fortunately FrSky have a solution with a firmware update. They have a good reputation for listening to their customers. Well done I say. I am no expert on this subject but the oscilloscope is from and it seems to work well for me. I chose it because the software was cross platform.
Tags: customers, good-reputation, mini, oscilloscope, science & technology, software problems, subject, tricopter
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
September 5, 2012 In this video tutorial we will tune up a PC using cleanup and going into the startup and turning off startup programs and services we dont need on startup to save memory and make a PC faster. Welcome to PC Help 4 Beginners. These videos are dedicated for beginner and novice people that want to learn how to operate, fix, and upgrade computers on their own. Through these videos you will become self sufficient with your PC and not have to rely on computer techs to help you with your PC problems. We all know that in today’s world PC knowledge is power! There are many things that every PC owner should know. Maintaining your PC is easier than you think. Also computer repairs and purchases do not have to cost as much. After learning the material in these videos you will know how to fix any problem on your PC and also learn how PCs work and how to build them. Also my channel has many exciting project videos. Don’t forget to subscribe and comment! If you subscribe ill subscribe back! “How-to (Conference Subject)” video tutorial tune up PC cleanup msconfig startup services temp files save memory faster Windows Computer Slow “Microsoft Windows (Operating System)” Howto Theme “Mobile Device” Maker Motion Electronics Cellphones “Tool (Quotation Subject)” maintenance upgrade
Tags: cleanup, computer-techs, mobile device, motion, msconfig, need-on-startup, startup, subject, temp, video, windows
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »