dynecomputers.co.uk I have been using Roxio software for many years, & it has got better with each version, this is so far the best yet. The only thing that I had a problem with was on the installation? The software installed ok, But all things to do with video, or pictures, did not work. I contacted Roxio who were very helpful with this known problem. The problem is with McAfee security, it sees some of the components in the software are seen as a threat by McAfee to the computer & stops these components from installing. The advice Roxio gave me was, first down load the fix, disconnect from the internet, & disable McAfee while the fix is installed, & that was that, all is just fine with this great software. I can recommend Roxio Creator 2011, worth the money, & it works with Windows 7-32 & 64. Buy it? neodyne.co.uk