I have a macbook pro 15′ from 2009 unibody and it has start up problems. The problem started by not waking up from sleep. I have reset the PRAM, NVRAM, EFI and the SMC as they say how on apple website. I have heard that the problem may be in the network settings in the Ethernet so I have disabled it and also the PPPoE and FireWire. This seemed to have fixed the problem but now I think that the problem just switch to the start up. I also have disabled the sudden motion sensor to see if the problem persists, and it did so I have enabled it. I haven’t try to reinstall the mac os x because I have never done it before. So I don’t want to make a mistake. I have to say that I don’t use any external hardware except a wireless mouse. But I do not keep the USB receiver on when I put the computer to sleep or shut down. The start up problem appears only when my computer is shut down for a long period of time. If not I have no problems. I don’t use the magic mouse and I have the bluetooth switch off. I do not use a remote. I also don’t use the Time Machine. I do not have the power settings set to put the hard disc to sleep when possible Please give your advice.. I need this computer.