Tutorial showing how to donload and install the Arduino IDE software and install the drivers for an Arduino UNO board
Before using this source be sure to copy this file: db.tt (right click, save target as) to private/var/mobile/library/preferences/XBMC/userdata on your apple TV In this video I’m showing how to install some plugins on your apple tv directly from your box using a method that tuxen on XBMCHUB.info created. This is the source: fusion.xbmchub.com I give all the credit to tuxen, just showing you how to do it here is the link http This is the source: fusion.xbmchub.com If you want to install Sportsdevil, install the repo MaxMusterman, then go to video add-ons in that repo and select sportsdevil.
A short video showing how to easily setup your Ps3 Controller to work with your Windows 7 32bit OS, and then a how to configure them for use on: ePsXe the Playstation 1 emulator, Pcsx 2 the Playstation 2 emulator, Null DC the dreamcast emulator. With help of the brilliant MotioninJoy driver and DS3tool. www.motioninjoy.com/download Suscribe, Like and Comment, any problems message me I will be happy to help, Happy Gaming.