This was a HCI course assignment. The goal of the assignment was to implement a human computer interface. I thought this project would be a good way to help students easily absorb and understand some of the concepts of projectile motion in physics. One of the key concepts in engineering and physics is that of using approximation equations or empirical formulas because they are simple and easy to solve. However, these equations only apply in limited cases. It is when you understand when to apply which equations that you become an expert in your field (at least one of the qualifications). Unfortunately, integrating this understanding into one’s mind takes years. ========== BACKGROUND ========== A large portion of our learning comes from learning by example. Examples in engineering and physics can be in the form of experiments, homework, work projects, or interaction with the physical realm around you. Again, unfortunately, three of the four types of examples are far from trivial, quick or simple to carry out. Although interaction with the physical realm can be quick, much of the time only minimal amount of information is gained. This is due to several reasons we discuss below. —– Experiments Experiments take a long time to carry out, and if the experiment is for class, many times you are more concerned about doing the experiment correctly (following the steps) instead of stepping back to see what you are actually accomplishing. Not only that but experiments can take a …