Having problem with the computer turning on, I either have to turn off the computer for 30 secs, but lately its been more longer, like half an hour to a hour of a wait with the power unplugged, if I am lucky it will run. Once I get it running I have to leave it running well that is if it goes on stand by or if I turn it off, it won’t come back on, and I’ll have to do the same steps like above again. When I click the power button it flashes with the orange light instead of the green one and doesn’t turn on. –Comment– Nov 23/09 I tried removing the ram, but didn’t change anything, haven’t got the problem fix, not sure if its the motherboard, Power Supply, or Video Card, which I don’t think it is at all. I am aiming towards that its the Power Supply, because I was told from some people that Dell components have trouble reading non Dell hardware, which I believe is ridiculous.. Well because hardware is hardware… I don’t know… Not sure when I will be able to get this computers fix, I am stuck working on my laptop for who knows how long…