This is a video on how to bridge connections from your laptop to your xbox 360 for xbox live….What you’ll need: xbox 360(or any other console don’t matter) Laptop(with an internet connection) Ethernet, or crossover cable. This is also a cheap way to hook up to xbox live without the use of the $100 wireless adapter.. So there’s a benefit 🙂 be sure to watch for captions and/or annotions in the video.. update: thanks for all comments, again any questions I could possibly have the answer…. #2: 1000 views thanks guys hope this was helpful… #3: it’s around christmas 2010 and my vid now has 5000+ views. Thanks everybody for views and comments, I didn’t think this video would get half of 10000 views :). Now…..Can it make 10000??We’ll see lol!! #4: HOLY SMOKES!!! Thanks everyone!! 10000 views!, its around the end of Feb. 2011 Hope I was helpful in this vid, and same thing: need help? ASK!!! Oh and people wanted to know what software I used to do this vid: A logitech webcam And Camtasia(screen record) Though you could get something else free.