February 20, 2013
This has been another great week at the XDA Portal. XDA Developer TV Producer Jordan covers all the news you need to know to keep up to date on mobile phone developments. Jordan mentions dSploit, an Android-Based Network Penetration Suite. Jordan mentions the article about Samsung and its Exynos documentation snafu. Jordan mentions XDA Developer TV Producer Azrienoch’s video about Motorola and XDA Developer TV Producer TK’s App review of Wifi File Explorer. In Jelly Bean news Jordan mentions the release of Android version 4.1.2 and its merge in CyanogenMod 10. In CyanogenMod news the Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G has received CyanogenMod 9 and 10. Pull up a chair and check out this video. XDA Portal: www.xda-developers.com XDA Forums forum.xda-developers.com XDA Developer TV www.xda-developers.com Links to stories mentioned: Android 4.1.2 Hits AOSP, Merged into CM10:www.xda-developers.com Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G Gets CyanogenMod 9 and 10, Exhilarate Gets CM10:www.xda-developers.com Samsung Aware of Exynos Documentation Issue:www.xda-developers.com dSploit: Android-Based Network Penetration Suite:www.xda-developers.com Malicious Toolkit Thwarted by adbdSecure:www.xda-developers.com Ladies and Gentlemen, the Galaxy Nexus is Back!:www.xda-developers.com Motorola, This is Why We Broke Up with You — XDA Developer TV:www.xda-developers.com App Review: Access Your Android’s SD Card with WiFi Explorer — XDA Developer TV:www.xda-developers.com Jordan’s YouTube Channel! youtube.com …
Tags: developer, jordan, producer, producer-jordan, samsung-galaxy, science & technology, software problems, videos, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
Rom Download: goo.gl EZ Unlock ‘this is a MUST’: goo.gl GAPPS Download: goo.gl (same page as rom download) How to Root Galaxy S3: goo.gl Did something go wrong? This is how to “unbrick” your device” goo.gl WARNING! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS! THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! EVERYTHING IS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Thanks for Watching! Do not forget to Like and Subscribe! Custom YouTube Backgrounds for $10 bit.ly The Omny (Main Channel) bit.ly Omny Apps (2nd channel): bit.ly Follow Me on Twitter: bit.ly Add me on Google Plus: bit.ly TAGS How To: JellyBean (4.1.1) on Verizon Galaxy S3 Android, Droid, Verizon, Technology, Tech, Videos, HD, New, 2012, Review, Phone, Tablet, iPhone, Computer, Mac, Windows, TheOmny, hp touchpad, galaxy nexus, iOs, wp7
Tags: 2nd-channel, backgrounds, device, functioning abnormally, galaxy-nexus, google-plus, page-as-rom, review, rom-download, science & technology, software problems, technology, verizon-galaxy, videos, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
www.forgotwin7password.com Oh boy! You forgot your Windows 7 password? That won’t be a problem anymore, once you’ve used PasswordResetter! Are you one of those unfortunate fellas who happen to have an important business presentation tomorrow, but forgot their Windows 7 password to their computer?! We can all forget the most common things names, phone numbers, etc. But what happens if you forgot your Windows 7 password? How are you supposed to access your files if you cannot remember your password anymore? Well, fear not! Powered by PasswordResetter, I’m going to show you how to efficiently and quickly reset any local Windows account’s password! It works on multiple Windows platforms, including Windows XP, Vista, 7 and of course the new Windows 8! How does it work? First things first, you will have to download PasswordResetter. Second step? You want to launch the program and make sure you have a blank CD/DVD or an USB drive ready to put PasswordResetter on. The program will automatically burn itself on the blank CD/DVD or USB drive. Last but not least: open up PasswordResetter via your CD/DVD or USB drive and reset ANY local Windows account’s password – including administrators! There’s no need for extensive computer knowledge and the process of unlocking your Windows account shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes with the right mindset! And the best thing is: you can use it as many times you want and use it even on your friend’s computer if he happens to be in a tight …
Tags: account-shouldn, course-the-new, does-it-work, dvd, forget-the-most, password, program, science & technology, self fix, their-computer, vista, windows
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
Nokia Lumia 920 Review – Jon’s Review We recently brought you the written review of AT&T’s Nokia Lumia 920 and, now that I’ve had some time with the phone myself, it’s time to bring you our video review. Nokia placed big bets on the device by pricing it at just $99 with a new two-year contract (and with a free wireless charging pad while supplies last). It definitely packs some heft at 185 grams and measures a somewhat lengthy 10.7mm. I think the bulk actually makes it feel rock solid, however. Continue reading: tchno.be For more tech goodness, check us out at: www.technobuffalo.com Follow Us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Check Us Out on Google+: tchno.be Inside My Mind: www.youtube.com
Tags: facebook, free-wireless, heft-at-185, makes-it-feel, nokia, nokia-lumia, review, science & technology, software problems, think-the-bulk, while-supplies, written
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
This video will show you how to jailbreak iOS 6.0, 6.1, 6.1.1 and iOS 6.1.2 Untethered. This jailbreak uses Evasi0n to jailbreak your device. It works on all current iOS devices, including all A4, A5, A6, and A6X devices.JAILBREAK AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT LIABLE IF ANYTHING UNEXPECTED HAPPENS TO YOUR DEVICE. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR DEVICE DUE TO THE JAILBREAK, YOU MUST RESTORE IN RECOVERY OR DFU MODE. Download Evasi0n: Mac: sites.google.com Linux: sites.google.com Windows: sites.google.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com
Tags: all-current, bbm, check-out-more, diy, even-multitask, facebook, functioning abnormally, jailbreak, jailbreak-uses, more-on-bbm, post-at-www, science & technology, video, voice
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
BBM 7 was introduced in beta and features the all new BBM Voice. BBM Voice lets you make voice calls to other BBM contacts for free over wifi. It’s all integrated within BBM, so with just a few clicks you can go from text to talk and even multitask while on a call. For more on BBM Voice check out www.crackberry.com Read the original post at www.crackberry.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out more great BlackBerry content at www.crackberry.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Google+: gplus.to
Tags: all-integrated, bbm, black, check-out-more, check-out-www, even-multitask, facebook, more-on-bbm, post-at-www, science & technology, software problems, the-original, voice, youtube
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
How to Jailbreak iOS 6.1.2/6.1.1/6.1/6.0.2/6.0.1/6.0 Using Evasi0n (Untethered Download Evasi0n: evasi0n.com How to prepare for the jailbreak: www.youtube.com Notes: – This is an untethered jailbreak. – This works with the following devices: iPod touch 4/5G iPhone 4/4S/5 iPad 2/3/4/Mini – This works with mac, windows and linux. – Make sure to disable passcode lock during the jailbreak process. Written Guide: 1. Download Evasi0n from the links above. 2. Plug your iOS 6 device into your PC/Mac. 3. Disable passcode lock if you have it enabled. 4. Open Evasi0n. Remember if you are using Windows Vista/7 you will need to right click on Evasi0n and click “run as administrator”. 5. Make sure Evasi0n has detected your device and click “Jailbreak”. IMPORTANT: Do not touch your device or you computer until Evasi0n says it is done. 6. When the jailbreak is done your device will restart a few times. Just wait until it stays at the lock screen and you should have Cydia! 7. You should now have an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak!. Official Evad3rs Website: evasi0n.com ————————————————————————————– Leave a comment or PM me if you have any questions. Need help with anything iOS, mac, windows or android? Then message your problems/questions to @iSupportiOS on twitter. Expect a fast reply! Earn Free Stuff Just By Searching The Web: bit.ly Check out my other channels: iPodPlaysGames YouTube.com TechHelp142 YouTube.com RandomVideos142 youtube …
Tags: awesome-upgrade, fix, from-the-links, guide, random, science & technology, tube-com-random, tube-com-tech, windows, windows-vista, works, written-guide
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
Learn what makes Parallels Desktop 8 an awesome upgrade with Windows 8! More more reviews check out skeetertalkstech.com
Tags: awesome-upgrade, check-out, fix, parallels, parallels-desktop, science & technology, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
FaceBook Page – – – – – – – – – – – – www.facebook.com Watch Next Video Also www.youtube.com In this video I run through the Newly released WiFi Support for the GoPro Hero3 Cameras. Surprisingly GoPro have also released an App for the Android which seems to have better performance than the iOS App, buggy but still faster refresh rate. I’m using the Hero3 Silver Edition in this footage. In any case I hope you enjoy this video. The Stabilizer Rig Search ebay for “GoPro GoRig”
Tags: diy, functioning abnormally, hero3-silver, music, science & technology, simple-calendar, social, software problems, still-faster, video, work
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
February 20, 2013
hothardware.com – Microsoft is allowing the wraps to slip off of their Windows RT operating system, a branding otherwise known as Window 8 for ARM-driven devices today. Does Windows 8/RT have what it takes to compete in the sea of Andoid and Apple tablets currently on the market, as the Jelly Bean turns?
Tags: devices-market, early-version, fix, functioning abnormally, incompatibility, jelly, market, microsoft, science & technology, the-market, windows, wraps, youtube-partner
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »