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Google Tech Talk July 30, 2009 ABSTRACT Google Faculty Summit 2009: Global Connection: Inform and Empower Google Founder Larry Page addresses the Faculty Summit audience. Each year Google hosts leading academics from universities across the globe though our Faculty Summit program. Faculty Summits are designed to provide researchers with a chance to learn more about what Google does in each region and how we support university programs, as well as provide valuable networking time for academics and engineers.
Update: This works with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac X has speech recognition built in for dictating voice commands to the computer. The setup, of the speech recognition, is simple. Click on System Preferences — Speech — Speech Recognition tab, then start setting the system up. The process is quick and best of all this software comes free with the Mac.
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: February 15, 2013 Length of Class: 17:05 Tracks Networking Classes that Require a Computer Lab Prerequisites Setting Up Port Forwarding TCP/IP and Subnet Masking Understanding SOHO Routers Understanding Switches Introduction to Networking Physical Network Segmentation Purpose of Class This class teaches students why they should set up a separate Computer Lab network on their home network if they will be creating test servers and networks. It also explains the basic concepts such as; Port Forwarding to Multiple Layers of Routers, the Need for Different IP Subnets on the Same LAN, and that Conflicting Server Services can cause odd problems. Class Notes Reasons for a Separate Computer Lab Network– DNS and DHCP issues, performance problems Lab Network must be on a different IP Network then other LAN Networks. 192.168.1.x, 192.168.2.x, 192.168.3.x For access to servers form outside world port forwarding on your ISP Router must be pointed at the Router for your Lab Network Any $60 Linksys Router can be used to create a lab network. Lab Network Router External Interface needs to be configured to be on the same network as the ISP Router’s Internal Interfaces.
How to Create a Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion Install Flash Drive How to: Mountain Lion Fresh Install: e4i.me — Gaming Channel: e4i.me My Website: e4i.me Follow Me On Twitter: e4i.me Instagram: e4i.me Facebook: e4i.me Buying something on Amazon? Use my referral link and help me out!: e4i.me How to Create a Mountain Lion Install Flash Drive How to Create a Mountain Lion Install Flash Drive How to Create a Mountain Lion Install Flash Drive
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