Tutorial on how to hook up you Xbox 360 to your home network. Few notes: 1) The wireless adapter is not 50 bucks like he says, it is 100 bucks and in my opinion it is a ripoff. The cheapest I have seen for an adapter is on www.newegg.com where is sells for 87.50 2) If you did exactly what he said on connecting etc and you still can’t get the 360 to connect, it is most likely a problem with either your computer firewall or the router’s internal firewall. You might need to either change the firewall settings or disable the firewall completely as a last resort. Another solution might be to, to aquire your Xbox 360’s MAC address on the 360 and input it on your router setting. How to access your router settings you say? Find your router’s IP address (it will be something like 192.08.000, something along those lines) and type it exactly as it is in your internet browser to access the settings. Remember each router is different and has different manufacturer settings. 3) Please do not send me a million messages if none of this still works. It’s too complicated for me to show you the step by step process on how to get a proper running connection, no offense. Go to http I found the site to be really helpful when I had a few problems with my 360 so check it out.