Download Continuous Silence here: peteroy.blogspot.com Logitech Z-5550 5.1 Digital speakers have a problem with the optical input, the control pod LCD will say “No Digital Data” when there is no sound and this causes you to not hear the beginning of sounds and not hear short sounds at all. After searching Google and Logitech forums for a solution to this problem I eventually found this topic: forums.logitech.com You download this free light application called Continuous Silence which will run on system startup and it will fix this issue. My sound card is onboard Realtek ALC889 integrated DX58SO mainboard with Core i7 920 CPU OS: Windows Vista 64 SP2 Home Premium Realtek driver version: GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 285 NOTE: I take no credit for this solution, it is made by Zecil Software and I have no responsibility if it doesn’t work for you or causes you any kind of trouble. Also posted on my blog: peteroy.blogspot.com Another possible solution: blog.rhysgoodwin.com