Hope you found this useful. Please Rate or Comment. Updating or flashing your BIOS can cut boot times, fix compatibility issues, and improve overall performance, but careful! do it wrong and your PC’s motherboard is dead!
Ever were stuck on a project because of your computer, had you windows update act up, or your just tired of slow boring PC. Well then let me introduce something. Microsoft Fix it Center! One of the best auto fixing programs in the PC buisness. Doesn’t fix all problems, but usually it will try & not give up! System Requirements: -Windows 98-99, XP, Vista, & Windows 7 -Intel Pentinuim 4 with core dual processors -at least around 20.00 MB of Disk Space -Graphics card that supports your PC -ONLY WORKS FOR WINDOWS! ( For the links below ignore the Spyware Warning its from Microsoft so its legit! ) Microsoft Fix it Center Link(s): Link 1: bit.ly Link 2: bit.ly Download Link(s): Link 1: bit.ly Link 2: bit.ly Thanks! Please Rate – Comment – Subscribe! Remember if you have computer trouble Message me! Enjoy 😉 I am not involved with Microsoft fix it center & Microsoft in anyway. This Video is for help & educational purposes only. All rights go to Microsoft for the great software they’ve created. By The Flaming Pyromancer ~ Nathan Goldenshield
You can download the iphone config program at: For Windows: wsidecar.apple.com For Mac: wsidecar.apple.com This method works great. In a day or so, I should have another vid out explaining how to do this without a computer, and how to get Tethering for AT&T. Here are the APN settings to enter in for the video: APN: wap.cingular User: WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM PW: CINGULAR1 Everything else can be left blank. Please Rate, comment and subscribe. I hope this vid is helpful. Sign up for free on this website, and get free prizes, like video games, game consols, iphones, and much more! swagbucks.com