Empower Network Scam Analysis: www.empowernetwork.com Empower Network Scam analysis by Daniel Stein from the Empower Freedom Team. Empower Network Scam videos are posted throughout the World Wide Web and the majority of the postings are by Empower Network members promoting the system as an affiliate. In a way that is what I am doing here too but I thought I would add more constructuve value by focusing on one particular apprehension people have when they hear about it – that it must be some sort of pyramid scheme. In this video I am giving a clear explanation using a white board so people can really wrap their head around the compensation structure instead of me just just blurting out: “Empower Network is not a scam, it is amazing, join my team!”. There are some people who want something for nothing… the world just doesn’t work that way. Some people complain that they doen’t make money after two weeks and write it of and shout EMpower Network Scam and say it does not work. To me I say it is not a question of whether Empower Network works or not. I would say the question is whether the affiliate, YOU, work. Empower Network is legit. I believe anyone can succeed with Empower Network – faster or slower depending on the skill set and resources they are coming to the table with – assuming they don’t quit the second it gets hard. Here are some answers for other common Empower Network complaints/misbeliefs: 1. Q: Why should I pay for a blog when I can get one for free? A: Go …