Find out how you can connect your Canon Printer to a Wi-Fi Router or a Wi-Fi network. A great convenient way to print wireless is to have your Canon printer …
This video lecture is produced by S. Saurabh. He is B.Tech from IIT and MS from USA. Give solution for the 0/1 knapsack problem. That is given weights w1,w2,w3…wn and benefits b1,b2,b3,…,bn and maximum capacity of knapsack is M, find the items that we will choose to maximize the benefit. You cannot take fractions of item you have to choose it or leave it. This channel is an ultimate guide to prepare for job interviews for software engineers, software test engineers, computer scientists, engineering students specially computer science and IT engineers, MCA and BCA students. The content of this channel will help students prepare for C,C++, Java, data structures and algorithms. It also covers courses related to networking and database. This channel can be used by students of NIIT, IGNOU etc too. To study interview questions on Linked List watch www.youtube.com To prepare for programming Interview Questions on Binary Trees www.youtube.com To study programming Interview questions on Stack, Queues, Arrays visit www.youtube.com To watch all Programming Interview Questions visit www.youtube.com To learn about Pointers in C visit www.youtube.com To learn C programming from IITian S.Saurabh visit www.youtube.com “0 1 knapsack problem” , “0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming”, “knapsack problem using greedy method”, “knapsack problem using branch and bound”