Moniters stuck in power saving mode mid way of a game? Methods of waking it up- 1) open the disk tray. 2) switch inputs back and fourth ( Does not work 90% o…
Ok so i got an Xbox 360 second hand with the open tray error which i fixed permanently by tweaking the Pots with the “Pot Trick” and now it has read disks fine ever since until after an issue with running games off my hard drive not working i assumed it was the laser reading the disks to much which caused installing games to the hard drive not to work correctly.i then took everything apart and i then turned the pot screws back a little more to its original position but after words plugging it all back together i get a green screen after the xbox 360 logo loading screen, so i then restart the xbox remove the network cable from the back and make sure everything is plugged in correctly. When i turned everything back on it booted normal and putting the network cable back in was fine and had no more green screen problems, but i had the open tray error again as thought so, i eventually found out after taking the case of the dvd drive while running the xbox none of the dvd drives compartments were moving at ALL or even trying to move, except the laser going on and off 3 times when it try to read a disk, i could open the disk tray and close it and the xbox 360 would say reading for 5 seconds and then say open tray, the spindle motor will not move at all to try and read a disk and the laser will not move up, down or left and right, PLEASE tell me the cause for this error and if its fried or somehow can be fixed because i dont see what went wrong, thanks.