FIX CD/DVD Drive not recognised Error which occurs in New Microsoft Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Release Preview 100% Malware Free Step-1: Download software from my webpage Link: dstechnology.webs.com Step-2: Run it Step-3: Click Fix Button Step-4: Windows 8 will restart automatically After windows get started you can find DVD/CD Drive under Device with removable storage catagory in My Computer(Computer) PLZ Subscribe, only if you found this working. ____________________________________ If any software error arises you may use the below registry file and restart the computer and try to use the software again. REGISTRY FILE: www.mediafire.com (MEDIA FIRE)* *registry file is necessary only for those who found this method failure ____________________________________ MANUAL METHOD FOR SOLVING THIS PROBLEM ____________________________________ READ THIS COMPLETELY BEFORE ATTEMPTING REPAIRS STEP 1: Download registry keys and values stored as .reg from below link link: www.mediafire.com (MEDIAFIRE) STEP2: Open it UP STEP 3: Click YES and OK in all prompts (UAC….. etc.) STEP 4: After it get completed, Bookmark this page STEP 5: Restart your PC (Desktop or Laptop) STEP 6: Check your My Computer(Computer) for DVD/CD Drive STEP 7: Open your browser and click the last bookmarked link STEP 7: If this method found to be working, then click SUBSCRIBE above the video and click LIKE below the video, If this method fails to work comment me down… *THIS METHOD IS TESTED AND FOUND …