NOTE*: This is the old version, don’t wach it! I had audio recording problems back 1999 and now all internet full of Olga’s video with terrible sound. Click here to watch the new version: youtu.be When Olga performed Korbut Flip at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, it w This as the first backwards release move ever attempted on the uneven bars. ***Broken audio on video (Back in 1999 I didn’t have a computer good enough). quality After the boards displayed a score of 9.8, the audience began to whistle, jeer, stamp their feet, and shout vulgar remarks at the judges in disapproval, believing her score to be too low. However, the judges refused to change her score. The Korbut Flip on uneven bars is no longer allowed in gymnastics competition because it involves standing on the high bar, a maneuver which is now illegal in the Code of Points.