Watch from the beginning: bit.ly Like the series? Nominate us for a Streamy Award! bit.ly Subscribe to H+: The Digital Series on YouTube today! bit.ly Dive deeper into the world of H+ The Digital Series: hplusdigitalseries.com EPISODE 1 “DRIVING UNDER” San Francisco, USA – 5 minutes before it happened Prologue: Fragments of news reports show a future world as it adopts H+: a radical new way to be connected to information and each other through only your thoughts, via a high-tech implant. While the breakthrough is hotly anticipated by the masses, it is a change not easily adopted by its discontents. We segue to a couple parking their car in an underground airport garage. The husband, Lee, surreptitiously watches a football game on his H+, upsetting his wife Julie who wants him to drive safely. Their domestic squabble is interrupted by a bizarre spectacle throwing their world into chaos. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Hang out with us on Google+: plus.google.com Catch new episodes of H+: The Digital Series every Wednesday!