Off Page SEO – Learn an easier way! bit.ly An Easier Off Page Seo : Video marketing is by far the easiest free way to get traffic to your websites. You can use youtube as a funnel to direct prospects to your website. If you can look at a camera and talk than you can be successful at video marketing. With anything, it may take time to get used to making videos. But if you keep at it, video marketing will be a big factor in your overall marketing plan. I use this technique to start my off page seo campaign. Off page Seo can consist of many factors, but basically it is about getting links to your website. When you make a video, simply link it back to your website and send links to the video. This will help rank the video and your website. Take a look at this video marketing product : bit.ly With this product you will have to expertise to begin a successful video marketing campaign. www.youtube.com incoming search terms: off page seo video marketing video marketing training youtube marketing