Why is my internet down? Because your ISP is having trouble. Learn more tips on how to setup and troubleshoot home computer networks and get free computer he…
Many common computer problems are easy to fix but hard to diagnose. Once you figure out what is wrong with the computer, a solution is easy to find. Most of the time, it will either be a problem of: viruses, malware, spyware or a computer running slow. In a worst-case scenario you will have to […]
Wireless routers at home! Learn how to setup a wireless internet router at home with your cable or DSL modem in this free online instructional video, with tips on how totroubleshoot home computer networks. Expert: Mike Biggly Bio: Mike Biggly is finishing up his degree from NCSU. Although seeking his degree late in life, he has many years of experience working on computers. Filmmaker: josiah owen