How to make money blogging www.HowToMakeMoneyBlogging101.com Making money blogging might be difficult but it becomes very simple and a lot easier with Empower Networks Viral Blogging System. http Empower Network is a viral blogging system with over 40 000 members all blogging on the same viral blogging platform and the company which is in the direct sales niche offers latest programming, technology and professional design and graphics which makes your blog’s look & feel very professional Empower Network’s main domain is one of the top 600 in global ranking and top 200 in the United States according to Alexa.com Rankings which makes it a authority site in Google’s eyes and THAT is why ranking high on Google becomes easy like piece of cake With selective keywords. What do I mean with that? I mean that as long as you select and choose your keywords strategically and tactically + you blogging daily with unique content, you will have no problems ranking on Google page #1. So how do you do that? Your keywords must be long-tail keywords or keyword phrases minimum of 3, max 5-6 and low competitive Here are some examples of long-tail keyword and keywords phrases: how to make money blogging online how to make money online through blogging how to make money blogging how to make money blogging wordpress how to make money blogging on tumblr how to make money blogging 2012 how to make money blogging youtube how to make money blogging online how to make money blogging about food how to …