A guide on how to remove the superdrive (cd drive) in a 13″ Unibody Macbook. Visit http://www.powerbookmedic.com/mac-repair.php for more repair guides.
A guide on how to easily setup a Wireless repeater to extend your WiFi range and coverage I show you how to setup the same using a TL-LINK TL-WA701ND Access point in universal repeater mode so that you can extend the coverage of your existing wifi network. TP-LINK TL-WA701ND Unboxing www.youtube.com
This is a guide on How to Restore/Wipe your Acer Laptop or Computer back to Factory Default Settings – meaning it will wipe all your files off your computer and re-install a fresh copy of software. WARNING – Use this Guide at your own risk – This method will DELETE ALL FILES on your computer. Backup important stuff first on a memory card. For a full and more extensive Step by Step written Guide (that you can easily Print out and use) Visit: www.laptopwipe.com
How to register with Instagram: youtu.be Download Bluestacks: adfoc.us Updated link: cur.lv view more: This video will guide on how to upload instagram photos from your computer. You will still require BlueStacks and the Instagram application as described in my other video. Please comment if you have any problems or issues and I will have a look at it. Enjoy!
How to register at Instagram: youtu.be Need more followers? adfoc.us Download Bluestacks: cur.lv View more: Video update: youtu.be This video will guide on how to upload instagram photos from your computer. You will still require BlueStacks and the Instagram application as described in my other video. Please comment if you have any problems or issues and I will have a look at it. Enjoy!
www.iwantrouters.com – I want to setup a wireless network part 1 Slide 1 Hello and welcome. My name is Stuart of iwantrouters.com from the city of Bristol in the UK and if your’ from the UK you can probably tell where I come from by my accent. Slide 2 One of the most common subjects I get asked about these days is wireless networks so I wrote a blog about it and this is the video version. I will try and explain the techno babble in easy terms so you don’t have to be a techy to understand all of this and I will use analogies here and there. There are lots of pictures and diagrams to help clarify things. This is the first of a small series of videos. It’s a general discussion aimed at home and small to medium size businesses. Large companies will have their own IT departments to sort it all out for them. Having said that I cannot think why the methods in this article cannot be scaled up to whatever size of network you want, the principles remain the same. I won’t be giving you a step by step guide on how to plug in a router, there are plenty of videos and instructions that already exist to help with this. Instead I hope you will understand where it is you want to get to and how to get there by the time you get to the end! There are sooo many wireless devices these days. I think wireless connections are taking over from wired connections. There are devices such as tablets, phones, laptops, media systems, wireless storage even desktops these days, the list is ever increasing …
A simple guide on how to install Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning with a torrent. Visit s0vlet.com for more video game tutorials and news. Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning – http Poweriso – adf.ly (The links are ad fly links which will play an advertisement and then take you to the correct webpage) Follow me! facebook.com twitter.com System Requirements OS:Windows XP with Service Pack 3 Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 CPU:Intel Core2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2.2GHz or greater AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater RAM:At least 1 GB for Windows XP At least 2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Disc Drive:CD/DVD ROM drive (required for installation only), 8x or faster CD/DVD drive Hard Drive:At least 10.5 GB of free space Video Adapter:NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB or better ATI Radeon HD3650 512MB or better Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0 Minimum Resolution Supported is 1280×720 DirectX:9.0c Compatible
This is an instructional step-bystep guide on how to install RAM into your computer. My computer is an old Emachine that had 512MB ram, but once I upgraded the CPU to Office 2007, the computer slowed down…big time…So, here I am, installing the new 1G Kingston RAM I just bought from ebay, and me learning along with you, how to install this thing.