READ DESCRIPTION :DI don’t know why I decided to title this video differently from the others, but it just happened and I got lazy and didn’t want to change the videos previously because it would have taken about more than an hour to do. With my slow connection as well. Sorry about my previous videos also I’m trying my best by researching ways to record correctly with out any problems and it’s just been so difficult lately with the audio lag and I’m sure it’s not my computer because it’s able to handle Roxio capture card program and has the requirements so I don’t know what it can be, but I’ll soon find a solution. I’ve already switched to 4 different computers and all the same problem so I don’t think it has anything to do with my computer, but probably the settings so I’ll see what to do hopefully by then it’ll record smoothly. Now before anyone ask why I don’t just record the game with their music well it’s because the recording messes up at times and it would sound cracky with the games soundtrack so I just added previous DBZ games OST so that even if the fighting sounds off a bit at least the music ain’t messing up because it’s straight off the download and I just edited it into the video. Off topic: For those who’s into anime i suggest watching Gundam Unicorn because that anime is epic and Fate/stay night although with fate you might want to read the Visual Novel before getting to the anime or movie for that matter just saying because you might get confused and not …