DOWNLOAD: This is the 2010 CPA exam review software, there has some major format changes, as well as some content change to the 2011 CPA Exam.Regardless the vast majority of the multiple choice questions and simulations are, and will always, remain relevant Synopsis: The key to CPA Exam success is practice, practice, and more practice! Highly organized, up-to-date, comprehensive *Multiple-choice questions and their solutions help you sharpen your problem-solving skills *Simulation questions and solutions address the computerized Examas simulation-style problems *The most effective system available to prepare and practice for the CPA Exam *All current AICPA content requirements in each subject are included *Covers all new question forms and formats for the computerized Exam, including multiple-choice and simulations *Guidelines, pointers, and tips on how to build knowledge in a logical, reinforcing way *Unique modular format helps you zero in on areas that need work, organize your study program, and concentrate your efforts Dozens of special features to fit your special needs *In Study mode you can structure and monitor your practice study time based on your own objectives *The Exam mode simulates actual exam conditions *Customizable question formats let you con-centrate on specific exam sections, question types, and question status (not seen before, answered incorrectly, etc.) *TextLink feature provides comprehensive explanations that show you why incorrect answers …
Posts Tagged ‘ free (isp) ’
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