Do you want to know how to fix CD DVD drive problems? Just call iYogi at 1-877-524-9644, if calling from the US or Canada and if calling from the UK, call us at 0-800-635-0761 to avail the facility of round-the-clock technical assistance. Our competent tech support team can provide you with simple steps. Take note of the fact that it is possible that you might encounter issues with the CD drive on your computer system. At times the problem might be with the drive itself or could be with the disc you are inserting into it.iYogi warrants that the content in this video is provided on an “as is” basis with no express or implied warranties whatsoever. Any reference of any third party logos, brand names, trademarks, services marks, trade names, trade dress and copyrights shall not imply any affiliation to such third parties, unless expressly specified.