December 3, 2011
Computer Security-Find Out Why Your Computer is Slow and Why it Gets Infected Not a techie? No problem! This two part workshop, developed and hosted by Circe Denyer, is designed with the everyday user in mind. Circe, a computer professional for 26 years, works primarily with senior computer users. She uses simple language to explain technical processes. Even the novice will benefit from this event. By the end of the day, you’ll understand why your computer gets infected – even when protection software has been installed. You’ll save money by learning how to solve your own computer maintenance issues. Best of all, you’ll feel more empowered as you discover all your computer can do for you. Video Marketing- Presented by Linnaea Mallette, Past District Governor of Toastmasters International and Bonnie Keith, Actress, Entrepreneur, Videographer Have you noticed the growing number of videos on the internet and social media platforms? Used in conjunction with a solid marketing plan, video can help the visibility of your business skyrocket. At Easy Bytes 2011, expert video marketers will help you create your own video sizzle reel. You can use this technology to promote your business, enhance your blog, use on Facebook and send via email to friends. Your Questions Answered To be sure you leave fully equipped to begin working on your own, there will be an open Q&A session. Media and computer specialists will be on hand to be sure you get what you came for. Any computer, social …
Tags: 2012, actress, bonnie-keith, circe-denyer, easy, entrepreneur, facebook, media-platforms, pctechsonline, questions, visibility
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 5, 2011
Tags: computer repair, computer repair services, facebook, laptop lcd screen, music documents, virus, westwood, westwood repair, wilshire data recovery, yahoo
Posted in Tips | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
Thank you for the RATE, COMMENT, and the SUBSCRIBE! Special Thanks to AtomicStryker for creating this mod! And thank you guys for your nice comments! ——————————————————————————– (Forums Links) AtomicStryker’s Forums ( Multi Mine 1.8.1 ) Risugami’s Forums ( Modloader 1.8.1 ) Winrar —————————————————————————— (Download Links) – Multi Mine 1.8 : -Modloader 1.8 : ————————————————————————— Like Us One Facebook! ———QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS & ANSWERS—————– (Please don’t copy & paste my work) 1. I can’t erase Meta-inf. -Make sure that you have no Minecraft game/server running, or anything using Java applications. (Best to restart your computer) 2. How can i remove this Mod/ force update? – open your minecraft icon, instead of “login” go into “options” and force update your game. or delete your minecraft.jar from your bin folder and go back to and download a new copy. 3. Is Winrar free/safe SCMowns? -winrar gives you a 40 day trial and yes it’s safe. (or use any 7-zip opener) 4. can i install this mod with another mod SCMowns? -try it, don’t expect me to answer this question. i don’t install a lot of mods together. 5. i can’t find my .minecraft folder SCMowns. -on windows XP you should see RUN somewhere and RUN …
Tags: facebook, howto & style, minecraft, minecraft-icon, modloader, multi, multi-mine, question, scmowns, tips, updated, windows, work
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
October 29, 2011
Here is my 15 minute video on how to set up a server, But it’s not a 15 minute video on how to install it. if i didn’t show game play it’ll be a 8 minute video. But Thank you all for your Support! ——————————————————————————- (Links) (Optional) Hamachi (download unmanaged) —————————————————————————– (Direct Server Downloads) -Minecraft_Server.exe (Windows Xp Vista, 7, Etc ) -Minecraft_Server.jar (Mac & Linux) ————————————————————————— Like Us On Facebook! ————–Common Problems/ Questions———————- 1) isn’t working! -try again later 2) My mods don’t work on the server -some mods aren’t meant to work on a server 3) my friends can’t join – make sure they added your network in Hamachi (if your using it). Make sure that you put hamachi’s IP inside the server properties file. and make sure “online-mode=true” 4) it’s laggy – it depends on how well your computer is, like your computers memory and performance. 5) Does Hamachi work on Laptops? -Yes Tags: Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 Server Setup new cool SCMowns updated 1.8 online software Hamachi free how to install howto multiplayer play windows XP non portforwarding no PF portforward tutorial computer game “software tutorial”
Tags: depends-on-how, facebook, functioning abnormally, game, install-howto, junior, minecraft-net, setup, support, tutorial, video-on-how, vista, waiting, windows
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
October 14, 2011 – Utility to help troubleshoot slow Windows performance. Here is a utility called Process Explorer ( http ). _ _____ ______ ———- Sign up today! http — Follow us on Twitter —— 24/7 live chat ———– IRC http —— Facebook ______ _____ _
Tags: explorer, facebook, live-chat, performance, repair, science & technology, tricks, utility, windows
Posted in Slow Working Computer | No Comments »
October 9, 2011
Download: Hack Windows XP | Hacking computers | Windows 7 | Microsoft, windows, hack, trick Software / Hardware Installation | Home network repair | Memory Upgrades Wired / Wireless Network set-up | General Maintenance | File and Printer Sharing | Operating System Installation / Upgrades | FREE Estimates Tutoring / Training | Spyware and Virus issues | Onsite Computer tutoring (Individuals) | Removal, | protection and Prevention Training | Free Anti-Spyware Software | Microsoft Office | Firewall Configurations | Internet Browsing | Browser Configurations | Data Recovery | Data Recovery due to HD Failure | Missing / Deleted Data Recovery | Data backup | PC Tune-Up | Check PC Status | Examine for Problems network, repair, troubleshoot Make your computer Faster. Use MSCONFIG to speed up your PC. Make your computer load faster. Diagnose computer issues, Disable Spyware from Auto Restarting. Boot Up Faster. Hack Hacking Windows Xp. Increase Systems Performance by gaining back resources How to make “Start Menu” menus to open real fast!!! XP Hack Change your start menu get the vista start menu on windows xp,Changing your Windows XP Start Menu Text,Hack any Site Funny Windows XP trick,Get out of freezeups in xp,How To” #2 Making WinXP run faster,Tricks- Make Windows XP Start Faster how to hack a password on windows xp,3d flip effect for windows,Hidden Windows XP Music,Google Tricks, Hacks and Easter Eggs Customize yout desktop on Windows XP! Great Trick,How to …
Tags: episode, facebook, funny, gyu, little-bouns, memory, microsoft, music, onsite-computer, start menu, subbed, vista, windows
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
October 9, 2011
Please read the description below~ ————————————————————————- Finally finish! My network has problem… This is my one of favourite part of GYU~ Because the time of fixing internet, I make a little bouns at the end~ it’s the GYU ending Orchestral ver.~ hope you all love it please Subscribe and like XD ————————————————————————– remember go to my channel~ Facebook group (for season3!)~ (english and chinese) ——————————————————————- Fushigi Boshi No Futago Hime copyright: (C)BIRTHDAY・NAS・TV TOKYO (C)NAS
Tags: (2/2), eng, episode, facebook, futago-hime, gyu, little-bouns, subbed
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
October 9, 2011
This week, Mark takes on the changes of both Facebook and Netflix, as the internet is in “construction mode”. He welcomes AnyBeat founder Dmitry Shapiro, who has some experience in the internet video/multimedia space with both Veoh and MySpace Music. The two discuss the waning of anonymity on the internet, and the birth of a new term the two coined, called “Pseudonimity”. Mark also puts his two cents in on the Netflix change and the creation fo Qwikster. We’d like to thank our sponsors Fenwick & West and Assistly. Go to for an exclusive This Week in Venture Capital special offer. For more, visit “00:20 Mark’s cold open on today’s guest taking on Facebook 01:45 Mark introduces guest Dmitry Shapiro and discusses his history with Akonix, Veoh, and WeekendU 07:00 Worrying about losing control of a company. 08:30 Coaching people in avoiding loss of control 09:15 Mark’s cynicism towards young entrepreneurs 11:00 Being a good actor in the world of Venture Capital 12:20 “”You have to do the stuff you love””-Dmitry Shapiro 12:45 Mark talks Assistly’s purchase by SalesForce for $50 million 15:45 Creating the idea of Veoh – Building a TV broadcasting system over the internet 17:00 Building one’s own p2p network without bitTorrent 18:00 Problems raising money in the video space 20:00 “”Nobody is ever going to want to watch video on the internet”” 22:43 How ridiculous it is that Yahoo doesn’t have an answer to YouTube 25:00 Veoh vs Copyright Infringement …
Tags: creation, do it your self, entrepreneur, facebook, force-space, history, mark suster, marketing, mashable, money, netflix, netflixqwikster, shows, some-experience, startup
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »
October 5, 2011
“Ifyou face any problem regarding my Tutorials or Computer You Can Contact me in my Website Chat Room. I am Here to Solve Your Problems” My Name is Muhammad Niaz From Karachi, Pakistan. Email: Facebook= Website: WORLD Best Site for,Solve your Computer Problems, Download Free Register Software & Games, Learn Complete Computer Softwares and Computer Tips in Urdu Language with Video.
Tags: 2007 & 2010 in urdu, 2048×2048, cinema, computer tips, crush-the-enemy, download-free, facebook, game, niaz-akunzada, running
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
October 5, 2011
After many many editing hours and set backs including: computer crashes, software problems and 2/3 of my best clips mysteriously vanishing – here is my final BFBC2 montage before BF3. Apart from the overly long intro… (sorry got carried away) I Kept it pretty short and sweet so hope you enjoy watching it! Remember to watch in HD.. PS3 graphics need all the help they can get 😛 Don’t forget to give it a thumbs up if you liked it and of course subscribe for more Battlefield content coming very soon! I plan on posting a couple of more creative BC2 vids before BF3 comes out in October so be sure to stay tuned. Music: Track 1 – Groove Addicts “Shellshock” Track 2 – Mark Petrie “Celestial” Track 3 – Mark Petrie “Urban Redemption” Producer’s Channel PIXEL ENEMY PRESENTS Subscribe to Pixel Enemy: Like Pixel Enemy on Facebook: Follow Pixel Enemy on Twitter: Visit Pixel Enemy on the web: TAGS: the hunted battlefield bad company 2 bfbc2 montage rosshats rosco016 pixel enemy pixelenemy new 2011 gaming video games pc console xbox360 xbox 360 playstation 3 ps3 clips kills amazing tricks
Tags: 360, battlefield, facebook, functioning abnormally, kills, montage-before, pixelenemy, video, xbox
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »