The irrepressible Matt Cutts from Google showcases the good and the bad of WordPress as seen through the eyes of Google, including basics on how Google searc…
Concentration Music – help with Work / Study – Get FOCUSED itunes.apple.com Hows it work? NOTE: BEST WORKS WITH EARPHONES 1. put the music on a low volume so it feels like its in the background 2. focus on the video and just imagine you are on that beach with your desk 3. imagine the breeze as you sit with your laptop 3. close your eyes and then take deep breaths for 30 seconds 4. open your eyes and look at the beach again imagine you are their 5. now minimise the window and get on with your work with the music in the background You are relaxed, focused and working on a beach 🙂 www.relaxinrecords.com
Treat weak eyesight with natural home remedies using almonds or licorice. For complete information check this short video from www.homeveda.com ! Visit us to discover over 1000 natural home remedies & information about symptoms & causes for over 200 common as well as chronic health conditions. SUBSCRIBE TO HOMEVEDA www.youtube.com JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: twitter.com —————————– Weak Eyesight: • Eye muscles help the eyes focus on objects • Excessive strain on the eye can weaken these muscles • Weak eye muscles cause problems in eyesight Symptoms to look for: • Loss of eyesight • Objects look fuzzy Causes: • Excessive time spent watching TV • Staring at computer screens • Excessive reading • Exposure to harmful pollutants in the air Natural home remedy using almonds, fennel seeds and sugar candy: 1. Take 7 almonds 2. Add 2 tsp fennel seeds 3. Add 1 tsp sugar candy 4. Crush the mixture 5. Add 1 tsp of this mixture to 1 glass warm milk 6. Drink this at bedtime 7. After having this, do not drink anything for 2 hr Natural home remedy using milk, liquorice powder, clarified butter and honey: 1. Take 1 cup warm milk 2. Add ½ tsp liquorice powder 3. Add ¼ tsp clarified butter 4. Add 1 tsp honey 5. Mix well 6. Drink this every day 7. For better results, drink it at bedtime 8. Continue this for 3 months Tips: • Wash your eyes with water 2-3 times everyday • Run your palms till they become warm and then cover your eyes with your …
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