(This is an instructional video on how to download and run Game Cube games on your PC) I show you how this cool hack is done here. This is the site to find the Game Cube ISO file games for your PC. Download approx 2 a day only, it wont let you download 3 a day, the download is slow but its best site you will ever find. www.gcisozone.com You also need the free RAR Extract Frog to extract the ISO’s (the games) You can get that on the internet (google). Dolphin emulator not Working on windows 7 (not opening,error messages? -Create a 2 new folders on desktop, call it dolphinr6553,and gamecube games -Go to the gcisozone website above link -Go to emulators, download the best rated dolphin file,typically the r6000series, open file,click on dolphin, click extract all to the dolphin r6000 folder you just created. -Attempt to run the main (dolphin) file from the folder you just created and copied the files to. It will ask you to make it portable, click yes. -create a dolphin shortcut to the desktop if you want, it will run anyway. Anti virus in most cases will always prompt you to open the file so leave it alone and always click yes. -put the ISO’s (Games) in the Gamecube game folder I asked you to create, stuff all your games in there. Extract them one by one with green frog extractor. You can add them to your dolphin menu if you like shown on my video thumbnail. Important!! – It either runs or It doesn’t, if it doesn’t you or your computer is not doing something right. -Improper …