Download BlueStacks for free from here: goo.gl Most BlueStacks users, have the same problem, trying to install apps. Generally speaking, program shows the message “No app Found. Please Check Network Connectivity” If this is the reason why you can´t download any app, here we offer this very simple solution. _______________________________________ Many BlueStacks users have the same problem at the moment of downloading some Android apps. On the main screen, if you want to transfer any of the offered programs, BlueStacks shows the following messages: “Checking for Network Connectivity” And then “No app Found. Please Check Network Connectivity” If this is your problem, we offer an alternative way to transfer applications. Go to “App Stores” Once there, pick any of the market alternatives BlueStacks will take you to the website You can now search for the app you want o just check out the recommended ones Press “Download” to start the installation process After that, select another store, in this case “Google Play” Click on “Install” Then “Accept & Download” You will have to wait a few moments for the download to begin Done! Your app will be on the start Menu of BlueStacks Install the aplication you want on your PC with this simple solution