Has your computer been running slow lately… or does it start to run slow all of a sudden? Well this video will show you how to find out what is causing the problem
My-Slow-Computer.info … Most people have go it all wrong, they think they have a slow computer because it’s too old or not good enough. But here is the true reason why your computer’s speed decreases over time: maintaining your computer is the key to keeping it fast and efficient. Don’t worry, it is complicated at all, you can easily learn how to speed up computer speed, get rid of error messages and system crashing or freezing by applying 3 simple steps that I’m about to show you. So let’s start with step #1: Free up disk space Many people aren’t aware to this issue, your hard-disk has a huge effect on the speed of you computer and if it’s overloaded it would slow down your computer. In order to solve this issue, just run the Disk Cleanup utility once a month. The Disk Cleanup utility is a free software provided by Microsoft, you don’t need to download it cause it’s already installed on your computer. Just Click on the Start button, go to all programs, click on Accessories, click on System tools and then start the Disk Cleanup. The DiskClean wool calculate how much space can be free and you just need to select which files to delete and click on ok Don’t worry, it’s not going to delete any of your personal files, these are mainly temporary unused system files are files that you have already deleted. If you still have a slow computer, move on to the next step to speed up computer. Step #2: Speeding up you hard disk response time. Again, we are going to use one of …