www.NiallMcLaren.com An overview of my work showing a natural dualist resolution of the mind-body problem for psychiatry which leads directly to a model of mental disorder. Remember, dualism does NOT necessarily lead to spiritualism and my model fits perfectly within the material realm. When most hear dualism they think of Descartes and thus Cartesian dualism which IS spiritual However, the philosopher David Chalmers outlined a material form a dualism, termed natural dualism, which is what my model builds upon. We must understand that the mind is non-reducible, similar to the computer program I’m using to make this lecture. There is of course the substrate/hardware which runs the function, but knowing all there is to know about this hardware/brain will never reveal the program/mind, and this is where biological psychiatry fails. Suppressing an output state (with medications) without fixing the cognitive processes that give rise to that mental state is an incomplete treatment paradigm. If you have any questions or comments on my work please feel free to post a comment, email me, post on my blog etc. I always to try to answer questions and entertain criticisms as this is the engine of scientific progress. Philosophy & Psychiatry Blog www.NiallMcLaren.com Facebook http Books (Amazon.com) www.amazon.com www.amazon.com www.amazon.com