Not been on here for a while computer problems. As I write songs of whatever mood at the time so here you have it – the Mad computer rage song contains F-ing Thing polite language under the circumstances with some YouTube classics of people losing it with their tech devices; video frozen ipad touch screen smart phone broken it seems to affect every make or model at some point. fix of Death gamer lose their temper even your car can have a computer glitch then breaks down arrrr have encountered over time with items such as Windows, Macintosh, frozen screen Xbox lights of death as in a parody I did a while back with the ps3 yellow light and the ring of fire smashed. Wii sad mac and the early computer generation. one’s bugs viruses BSOD, the 360 RROD, and the Pac-Man killscreen but now it seem to be freezing slow internet and banks crashing. Next the automatic launch of a nuclear war head oh no that one did nearly happen oh well any more suggestions? Computer Rage Song Original by faffytunes© www.faffytunes.co.uk