Onsite SEO is the foundation of your SEO. Without it, you’ll struggle to get those rankings that you work so hard to earn. According to SEOMoz, 70% of your rankings come from offsite SEO, or link building, and 30% from onsite SEO. Getting good rankings is nearly impossible if you fail to implement and maintain your onsite SEO. Remember this: onsite SEO is necessary, NOT optional. In this webinar, we don’t spend much time talking about the common onsite SEO tactics that everyone knows (and does). Yes, they’re important but we have something more advanced and very effective to talk about: how proper keyword research helps you build great content that supports your onsite SEO. We also share some tips and tricks on how to build content, including using video for onsite SEO. This is a departure from the usual onsite SEO how-to videos…but who needs another step by step video about meta keywords, title tags and so on. (If that’s what you’re looking for, check HubShout’s Channel for our Onsite SEO video from 2/12). Otherwise, watch this video and get to work on full-scale, comprehensive and effective onsite SEO. This webinar is part of HubShout’s SEO reseller training series.