December 9, 2011
Don’t you just hate whenever your CD/DVD drive just stops working? It can’t read music, data, or anything else anymore? You might have a Code 19 error, which is a registry error concerning the CD/DVD drive. Try this out, and you just might get it working again. Want more? Check out my blog: New episodes every weekend! Keep a look out!
Tags: 155, c0nvexity155, code, dvd, dvd drive problem, episodes-every, fix, nvexity, read-music, science & technology, se7en, stops-working, vista, windows
Posted in CD/DVD Drive Problem | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
This video shows you how to get Advanced SystemCare Professional Latest Version for Absolutely free. | Advanced SystemCare Professional | Download Here: ———| 33.70 MB | 1.Install by Running the Setup (✔Disconnect from the Internet Before Applying the code✔) 2.Click “Upgrade” Button at the bottom of the screen License Validation: 365 Days 3.Copy/Paste the Serial Provided and Register Done ! Enjoy | Advanced SystemCare Pro 4.1.0 | =========Download======== ——-{File Size: 28.68 MB} (✔Disconnect from the Internet Before Applying the code✔) License Code : DFF7A-8204E-69ADE-0D5AA | Advanced SytemCare Pro 4.0 | 1.Download Here: —–{File Size: 29.05 MB} 2.Run the Setup and Complete the Installation 3.Use this Serial to Activate it 48F0-48F0-F0FF-0CD7 Enjoy !! Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 Speeds up your PC in Just One Click. Awarded for one of the Best PC Optimizers. Advanced SystemCare PRO provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes Internet and download speeds, ensures personal security, and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. Advanced SystemCare PRO from IObit is a great set of PC system utilities that does exactly what it set out to do: get your computer up to speed and keep it …
Tags: 4.1, 4.1.0, advanced-sytem, ares, cleaner, code, howto, internet, linux, registry, serial
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
November 4, 2011
PC DIAGNOSTIC 4-Digit CARD Motherboard POST Tester. NOTE: There are ones on eBay with the extra Header Display about the same cost I paid for this one, there are also 6 Digit displays and ones that display words. This is a computer card that you can plug into a PCI or ISA slot on a computer. It will analyse any issues you have during in booting and try to prove feedback about those problems as a four digit Hexadecimal display and LED display. These cards provide a Hexadecimal look up table to try to describe any BIOS/POST problems that may occur during booting the computer. These cars may not work for all computers and the Hexadecimal look up table supplied could be out of date for some computers. These cards can be purchased from eBay, (make sure you get at least the 4 Digit version, I believe there is also a PC Analyser card that tries to display any problems in words on a display) , quite cheaply so could prove to be of some value to some users. Over all I think this particular care could be more suited to older computers. Note only use this card as a rough guide to any reported issues. This card could be of some value to some users if used with knowable of possible problem The Switch button: You can thumb through the code that has gone. If you press the switch, the code pause; if you press the switch again, the code continue It does no harm to the device while you insert PC analyzer in ISA slot wrongly or rightabout I believe the button will allow step through of the …
Tags: bios test, bios tester, bois analyser, bois test, code, digit, hardware test, header-display, ones-on-ebay, post test
Posted in Motherboard Problem | No Comments »
August 7, 2011
Google Tech Talk (more info below) April 22, 2011 Presented by Nathan Rosenblum, UW-Madison ABSTRACT Where did this binary come from? How was it compiled? What language did the programmer choose? Who wrote this code? These questions rarely occur to most computer users, but for analysts working in forensics, reverse engineering, and software theft, they are of paramount importance. The provenance of a program binary — the specific process through which an idea is transformed into executable code — can provide valuable insight, yet it is in the very domains where such information would be most useful that it is least likely to be available. At the University of Wisconsin, we have investigated techniques to recover these provenance details from program binaries, filling in the gaps in the production process. Provenance recovery occupies the intersection of program analysis, security, and statistical machine learning research; in this talk, I will describe probabilistic models of provenance in the context of compiler toolchain identification and both closed- and open-world solutions to the difficult task of program authorship attribution: picking out stylistic characteristics of executable code that reveal the identity of the programmer. Our work integrates a range of machine learning techniques, from support vector machines to conditional random fields to metric learning and large-margin clustering. I will discuss how we leverage large-scale computing resources to solve …
Tags: code, difficult, machine learning, most-computer, program-binary, software problems, software theft, specific
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
August 7, 2011
Google Tech Talk (more info below) February 11, 2011 Presented by Philip Guo. ABSTRACT It can be painfully difficult to take software that runs on one person’s machine and get it to run on another machine. Online forums and mailing lists are filled with discussions of users’ troubles with compiling, installing, and configuring software and their myriad of dependencies. To eliminate this dependency problem, we created a tool called CDE that uses system call interposition to monitor the execution of x86-Linux programs and package up the Code, Data, and Environment required to run them on other x86-Linux machines, without any installation or configuration. CDE is easy to use: Simply prepend any Linux command (or series of commands) with ‘cde’, and CDE will execute that command, monitor its actions using ptrace, and copy all files it accesses (eg, executables, libraries, plug-ins, scripts, configuration/data files) into a self-contained package. Now you can transfer that package to another Linux machine and run that exact same command without installing anything. In short, if you can run a set of Linux commands on your x86 machine, then CDE enables others to run it on theirs. People in both academia and industry have used CDE to distribute portable software, demo research prototypes, make their scientific experiments reproducible, run software natively on older Linux distros, and quickly deploy experiments to compute clusters. CDE is free and open-source, available here: www …
Tags: achieve-their, chosen, code, dependency, education, educational, enables-others, equations, google-tech, online, online-tutorial, student-success
Posted in Software Functioning Abnormally | No Comments »
June 16, 2011
Internet Download Manager 6.05: G’day in this video I show you how to get Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 14 registered for free and working. All that it requires you to do is copy and replace a file and simply enter use my reg-file to register IDM. Be sure to follow all steps in video for it to register right. Thanks for watching, Do rate, comment and subscribe if I helped 🙂 This video always be updated when a later version comes out. |===== INFORMATION =====| Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance. |===== DOWNLOAD =====| REPORT DEAD LINKS ASAP PLEASE. — 6.05 Build 14 Retail Latest — MrsXidus is sub-account of MrXidus. Check it out for more videos. Track: Rage against the …
Tags: 6.05, code, gaming, interface-makes, internet network problem, key, manager, missing, mrxidus, other-download, ps3, retail-latest, wireless-router, xidus-check
Posted in Internet Network Problem | No Comments »