bit.ly In the beginning you should follow a strategy that gets results. However, that strategy might of taken you a long while to get results, so you’ll want to evaluate what parts you like to do and eliminate by outsourcing that activity. An example would be phone prospecting. At first a network marketer might be in a situation where they have to call leads to speed their business along. The problem starts when you have a larger list of leads than before. Then is the time to hire someone to make calls for you. You won’t be burned out from prospecting if you have a working system and you only have to talk with new members. When a owner of a big business outsources, they can leave their business for months, then return seeing things running better IF they hired people who are experts in their careers. ————————————— bit.ly CLICK To Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Simple. If you’re wasting time, wandering around – struggling to make a sale or two in your business… Here’s what you get: – Ready To Go! BLOG – High Converting Capture Pages – Marketing Training